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Teacher's Reference [7]

"All roads lead to Rome."

- Proverb

The Romans built roads wherever they went. Rome, the empire, spread along the roads. The Romans designed their roads carefully and purposefully so that they all led to Rome, with Rome as the central hub, hence the phase.

Every publication will profess their way is the one and only true way. That is not correct. The truth is that there are many ways to reach the final objective.

This teacher's reference is not meant for direct use by students preparing for the exams, but, as a complete resource for teacher / student to sharpen their understanding of the subject matter. This is an advanced trade book.
  1. Every year, the examiner stresses on different objectives to test the student's ability. This book is thus segmented in such a way that the teacher / student will learn the complete question-types in its entirety in a chronological order and see for themselves how they have changed through the years.

  2. The teacher / student will be able to see for themselves that, although the syllabus did not change much over the years, the question-types did evolve to a rather different current form. One would have noted that during the earlier years, the question-types were meant to test the students on their competence on the subject matter. As the years advanced, one would notice the more recent question-types were involved in advanced 'trickery'. The authors have singled-out these seemingly easy-looking question-types to all. 'Tricks' are only surprising when they are encountered fresh. If the same 'trick' reappears, the 'magic' would have worn-off and no longer have any effect on the student. But, these 'trick' question-types must first be encountered.

  3. Unless the question-types involved have only one approach in answering them, the book will provide very carefully all possible step-by-step solution approaches.

  4. Another important feature in this book is that it captured the various critical feedbacks and examination reports from a wide range of teachers' authoritative resources to accentuate common mistakes, as well as unusual habits by students that led to wrong answers. This collection of common mistakes proved invaluable to all teachers / students.

  5. Short side-reading notes are included 'on-the-fly' to provide a quick look-up for those who need access to important facts and techniques immediately.

  6. Since many feedbacks from teachers/students are related to great tendency of students to make careless mistakes under exam conditions. The book has incorporated a simple and easy-to-implement check-back procedure for each and every question-type ever tested in the actual examinations since 1996 onwards, so that the students can learn how to check-back their work for any carelessness immediately after getting the answer (the teacher too can teach these valuable techniques early in the student's learning curve).

  7. Before this book reached the current final-form, the authors have conducted a small sample experiment on current students taking the exams. The students were given a small test and their scripts were marked. Common mistakes and unusual wrong habits were highlighted to them. A month later, they came back again for a similar test. Interestingly, they all repeated the same common mistakes and unusual wrong habits. It proved one basic fact - the students' sense of reality is not always grounded properly. In fact, students need to go at it for an extended period of time, before they could realize their folly and correct their fundamental misconception.
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